Keep reading the tutorial and read the errors. The code that comes out of
gr_modtool isn't really valid c++ yet, but it's close.
/home/pi/gr-howto/lib/ error: expected
primary-expression before ‘<’ token
gr::io_signature::make(<+MIN_IN+>, <+MAX_IN+>,
Check out
You'll see that the <+MAX_IN+>, <+MAX_OUT+>, <+MIN_IN+>, <+MIN_OUT+>,
<+ITYPE+>, and <+OTYPE+> have all been replaced with actual values. Unless
you have multiple inputs and/or outputs you'll replace all of the
Oh, here's a better link:
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Dave NotTelling
> Check out
> wiki/BlocksCodingGuide. You'll see
Hi, I'm a complete novice to GNURadio but I'm trying to follow the gnu
tutorial for creating a OOT block. When I get to the CMake part I keep
getting these error codes. I'm sure I'm just missing a dependancy or
something simple but I'm also pretty new to RPi too. I'm trying to create a
project f