Thanks you, guys! Any reasons this can't be put on the project's main
page so everyone can use it without disturbing the mailing list?
Yet, does anyone know how to create a normal account? Just to feel
myself little bit less anonymous. Or it's coupled with svn access rights
or such? I can't find a
username: guest
password: gnuradio
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
There is a guest account. The user-name is guest, and the password is
the project's namesake.
Alexander Chemeris wrote:
Hi All,
I'm having trouble understanding how can I edit wiki on
GnuRadio Trac? I want to put some info on our experiments
to OpenBTS pages, but I completely fail to un
Hi All,
I'm having trouble understanding how can I edit wiki on
GnuRadio Trac? I want to put some info on our experiments
to OpenBTS pages, but I completely fail to understand how
can I login to be able edit them? Where is a registration page?
Alexander Chemeris.