On 06/01/2013 03:58 AM, Sylvain Munaut wrote:
Maybe build-gnuradio could check if it's the latest version ? (wget
some online latest version number and compare it)
Right, and it could say "You might want to upgrade me before proceeding".
I'll think about this, wouldn't
> If you're using build-gnuradio that's any older than sometime yesterday
> evening to do the default build, it *will* fail to build GR-OSMOSDR.
> Update your build-gnuradio. I've noticed a tonne of fails in the logs due
> to this.
Maybe build-gnuradio could check if it's the latest versio
If you're using build-gnuradio that's any older than sometime yesterday
evening to do the default build, it *will* fail to build GR-OSMOSDR.
Update your build-gnuradio. I've noticed a tonne of fails in the logs
due to this.
Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy