According to the cygwin-gnuradio build guide,, when you have downloaded
the update, you have to first write the command
./bootstrap is applied when installing from source other than a tarball
> I am new to gnurad
I assume you mean that you installed from source.
Yes, you need to uninstall the old version first, which means going
into the directory of the old source code and running "sudo make
uninstall". Then install the new version as normal...
Dimitris Symeonidis
"If you think you're too small to make a
Hi, all
I am new to gnuradio, I have installed the package smoothly. But I have a
question about the update, I went through the faq and maillist but did not find
If I need to update the gnuradio from old verion to a new one, what should I
do? Just download the package, and do ./configur