Tahnk you very much for your reply.
I've tried different time with templates,but I was not able to obtain a
result(cmake and make finish errors,but I suppose that swig crash,because
python scripts are not able to access to any block written in C,also blocks
without template)..
At the end I've solv
Hi Marco,
.t is for template, and at build time, the full implementations of these
blocks are generated, and then compiled.
gr_modtool doesn't support that. However, the magic involved is not
really of the overly complex kind:
* CMake writes a python program to do the substitutions
* In the CMake
Looking inside gnuradio,I've found blocks like divide_XX where relative
files have an extension .t (like divide_XX_impl.cc.t )..in this way,is
possible to manage different types for the same block.
How is posssible to create blocks like them? is necessary to use particular
parameters in gr_modtools