Hi Przemek,
misunderstandings are important to me – in fact, whenever something is
ambiguous, I try to improve docs where necessary to clarify things –
optimizing's GNU Radio's usability will largely depend on making it easy
to understand!
So please excuse my curiosity: What was your understandin
Ok, i know where is bug :) it is my bad understanding what is offset :) and
what are boundaries. :)
Your sugest : analog.sig_source_c(1,analog.GR_SIN_WAVE, 0.1,1, 0.5+0.75j)
is fine for me, Thank you !!
2016-04-30 8:41 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller :
> Hi Przemek,
> I must admit I'm no
Hi Przemek,
I must admit I'm not able to reproduce the issue –
>>> from gnuradio import analog
>>> analog.sig_source_c(1,analog.GR_SIN_WAVE, 0.1,1,1)
works just fine, and the literal 1 is definitively an int. What does
print type(offset_Value)
say in your code?
I guess you might want to us
Hello :)
I would like to set offset to signal source component in construktor;
BUT I dont know which type is it in Python ??
signal_source = analog.sig_source_c(sampleRate, analog.GR_SAW_WAVE,
frequencyCounted, 1/float(rowCounter), *offset_Value*)
*offset_Value - when it is text it is bad*