>> Additionally, the following symbolic links must be created for SDCC
>> for Fedora 9 (all the SDCC Fedora 9 binaries are now preceded with
>> "sdcc-"):
>> # ln -s /usr/bin/sdcc-sdcc /usr/bin/sdcc
>> # ln -s /usr/bin/sdcc-asx8051 /usr/bin/asx8051
> I prefer the PATH fix mentioned on the page.
On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 01:53:05AM +0200, Raul Siles wrote:
> Hello,
> Please, could someone update the installation instructions for Fedora
> available at http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/FedoraInstall.
> The second "yum" command (the large one) must include "python-devel",
> at least for Fedora 8
Please, could someone update the installation instructions for Fedora
available at http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/FedoraInstall.
The second "yum" command (the large one) must include "python-devel",
at least for Fedora 8 and 9, in order to make "./configure" to work.
Additionally, the follo