Hi Jean,
There are two versions of the FunCube: the old one and the Pro+, with
corresponding GR blocks for each. It appears that you have the Pro+, so
you need to set the Device Name in the block to find it.
Try this:
On a terminal screen, enter 'arecord -L'. You will get a long list of
Generating: '/home/jean/Documents/top_block.py'
Executing: /usr/bin/python3.6 -u /home/jean/Documents/top_block.py
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
gr::log :INFO: audio source - Audio source arch: alsa
gr::log :INFO: fcdproplus0 - Funcube Dongle Pro+ found as: hw:2,0
gr::log :ERROR: fcdpp_control0 - Fun
gr-fcdproplus does not need controlport.
You'll find the udev rules in the readme.
If this does not help, post the error message.
-- Volker
Am 05.05.2015 um 05:30 schrieb Gregory W. Ratcliff:
There were a few threads a while back where this problem was discussed.
It seemed the issue was nev
There were a few threads a while back where this problem was discussed.It
seemed the issue was never debugged, just disappeared after a clean install.
About as clean as I know to make it:
Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from wiped clean (as of 5/4/2015), 64 bit
desktopDownloaded and installed today's Py
Greetings Marcus,
Thank you for your prompt response and assistance!
Once I knew that it was looking for a software module I realized I
probably specified the wrong location for the fcdproplus module
installation. The instructions on GitHub state to specify the path
"". I initially
Hi Tom,
"module" is meant in the python library kind of sense. This means that
wherever you installed your funcubedongle python code to, it's not being
found by python, and in effect can't be used in a flowgraph at runtime.
how did you install it?
Greetings, and goodnight,
On 18.08.2014 0
My platform is the Mint 13 distribution of Linux which is based on
Ubuntu 12.04.
I have been struggling with gnuradio trying to get it to work with
my FuncubeProPlus dongle for which I have installed the latest
fcdproplus package a couple of times. The example application