I think you'll find that the merging is the problem. Gnuradio hangs onto
rather large buffers, as does UHD, and in your case the buffer for the
continuous stream will set the latency of the system rather than the
eventstream PDU.
Try removing the constant stream and see if that changes the behavio
Hi Daniel
You might be interested in the gr-pdu_utils and gr-timing_utils modules.
They are about to get a significant update but there is a decent writeup on
the concept of operations in github.
Sub-ms latency is possible depending on host hardware and system
On Fri, Aug
I have a flowgraph with a simple FDMA implementation with two channels. One
channel has a constant stream. The other channel has complex sample bursts
generated in a custom python function, which I package as a PDU. I apply the
frequency modulation within the python file to place it in the co