> So ICE problems. Getting out the good ol' tome of /fixing elaborate
> technology by //random incantation and//extensive guesswork/, does
> deleting ~/.ICEauthority fix the issue? For me, it does.
I'm having a Gentoo-Machine with KDE4 running here, even without an
~/.ICEauthority file
Same blank window here, doesn't even respond to "window close" events;
my machine (let's call it workhorse) runs awesome WM, cinnamon session
manager underneath. Hm.
Attaching to that process with a slightly python-tuned GDB results in
what seems to be a blocking call to read() on a socket that ICE
I've got a really dumb UI made from qt4-designer, pythonized with pyuic4,
and an app that imports and creates the ui. Inside this app I make a
qtgui.time_sink_c and a qtgui.freq_sink_c. My UI has empty frames that I
place a sip-wrapped instance of the qtgui widgets in.
On one machine, let's call i