I've been following this thread with great interest.
The links below point to URLs listing the features of DVB-T USB2.0 stick
products from various manufacturers. These devices are extremely small and
according to the specifications it appears that they rely on the host's CPU
>Steve Schear wrote:
I was one of the original GnuRadio team (I found the Microtune products
in 2001) but have not been too active on the list in a while.
Hi Steve,
This is
mostly due to my limited programming skills and application interest
being well ahead of the current HW/SW capabilities
I improved my previous verilog and driver code to get 8 bit samples from the
usrp to get higher bandwidth.
I installed quartus II, compiled the firmware, uploaded it to my usrp and
didn't break anything.
So I am quite happy.
It even seems that the new code does what I expected. Give 8 bit sample
I wanted to be able to get 8 bit samples from the usrp so I tried to hack this
into the verilog code.
Since I don't want to fry my board I didn't compile and try to install it but
first want to ask if I am on the right track.
(I didn't even install Quartus II web-edition yet since I am work