I have successfully install asterisk 1.6.2, asterisk-addon 1.6.2,
asterisk sounds, zaptel 1.4 and libpri 1.4. And Asterisk went on rightly
untile yesterday when I do a "upgrade" to my ubuntu system.
Now when I type the command "asterisk -vvvc" in the asterisk folder, it
shows errors:
I would like to make a call between two mobile phones using OpenBTS, but
the call exit after the phone begin to ring, message is show below:
Could anybody help me with this problem?*
*(1)Message from Asterisk console windows:*
*CLI> == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [2...@sip
I encount some problem when I run the OpenBTS source code with usrp.
First, I have made some check of the usrp to ensure that it work in the
right state, as follows:
xfered 1.34e+08 bytes in 4