ssue. Everything compile
fine, maybe an issue with your version of buildroot.
> I encourage you to contribute to buildroot by submiting your packages
> Gwen
On Fri, 18 Nov 2016 13:57:17 -0500
oper files.
If anyone is interested and runs into the same problems I threw the
libad9361-iio and gr-iio config and mk files up in github - for my own use later.
PS Sorry for awful formatting Marcus; my mailer uses a MarkDown converter
Hey, I am working on an embedded system build (zedboard) using buildroot that
is installing GNURadio and a handful of OOT Modules. The entire system builds
without errors with options: * gnuradio * blocks support * ctrlport support *
gr-fec support * python support * gr-utils support * gr-analog su