[Discuss-gnuradio] Converting to array of doubles

2005-07-27 Thread bditri
Hello, I'm using the attached code to write NTSC files from our USRP. I wanted to convert the files to an array of doubles in Python so that I can process it out of the flowgraph, but can't read the file right. f.readlines() gives me lines of text and i've tried struct.unpack with. I know there

[Discuss-gnuradio] Interleaved-Short Sinc

2005-06-29 Thread bditri
Hi, We are attempting to write our own incoming tv signals to file, but ran into trouble. When we use the downloaded file ntsc-short-complex-baseband-8MS.dat we get the correct signal that we can convert back to complex using gr.interleaved_short_to_complex (). However, when we create file syncs

[Discuss-gnuradio] Interpolation Issues

2005-06-23 Thread bditri
Hi, In the process of demodulating the video sigal from the tv signal we receive, we have been interpolating from 8 MS/s by a factor of 2 to 16 MS/s. However, just demodulating the audio alone takes 97% of our computer's usage, and as soon as we interpolate to 16 MS/s the usage peaks at 100% and