I am trying to send some simple ASCII based messages to a GNU Radio
flowgraph via UDP.
I want to be able to send a packet over UDP whose payload is for example
"Hello World" and on the GNU Radio side receive this and print it in a
Message Edit Box...
Can someone guide me on how this might be
I am developing software with GNU Radio Companion for the Lime SDR.
I wanted to make the option of running the software without the SDR plugged
into the computer, for testing purposes, so that I can just take a look at
the generated signal in an FFT and Waterfall display and make sure that
I'm working on a project with GNU Radio Companion and I have a question
about how calling an external function ( defined in a separate .py file )
might be achieved.
My goal is to be able to create a QT Push Button, which when pressed would
call the function.
I was initially hoping to use