2009/4/24 :
>> An easier path would be to look small processor boards such as those
>> that support embedded Linux. For instance the web page for the
>> Gumstix Overo Earth says it has a "USB HS Host" and a micro SD slot.
>> (Not micro SDHC - so you are limited to, I think, 4Gb cards.)
>> S
I don't yet know a lot about the USRP, but I do know about USB.
The short answer is that the PIC 18F4550 processor will not help.
USB needs a "host" (typically a PC) that times & controls each data
packet and a "device" to talk to. Optionally a hub is both a device
and relay of timing & data t
Probably you will get more response if you give more details of what you
want to do.
There are RFID / NFC tags operating at various frequencies, and to a variety
of standards. Each will tend to require different tx/rx modules, antennas,
modulation/demodulation schemes.
Also why are you tryin