First thanks to Micheal and Eric for their help.
I am in the process of testing my USRP board and I just have a question
how should I understand that USRP works while I am testing it through
gnuradio-examples? because I run the
./usrp_fft.py and ./usrp_oscope.py a window pops up with thi
I am trying to test my Usrp board, but there are two problems,
1 ) I have downloaded and install the gnuradio from Subversion and as long
as I look through the usrp/share/rev2, I have the files
and I don't have the files usrp_fi
I already have downloaded all the Usrp codes and Gnuradio code but when I
go to this link >>> http://www.comsec.com/wiki?UsrpInstall for the
Usrp Hardware setup and try to run the %tail -f /var/log/messages
command, it gives me this error >>> No such file or directory
Do I need
Do I need to run this command for the Usrp hardware setup and code testing
or not? Because all the gnuradio code and Usrp codes are already made and I
want to transfer them by USB and test them, but I keep getting errors.
I would appreciate your help.
On 4/27/07, Melody S <[EM
I am trying to setup the hardware for Usrp.
As far as I follow the description on GnuRadioWiki for UsrpInstall,
I am not sure where and in which directory I have to run
%tail -f /var/log/messages
because when I run it in this directory tmp/gnuradio, it says No such file
or directory
I am trying to use the gr-wxgui but when I run the commands
%pythonw scopesink.py
%pythonw fftsink.py
%pythonw waterfallsink.py
I get the following errors
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scopesink.py", line 23, in ?
from gnuradio import gr, gru, eng_notation
ImportError: No mod
I am trying to install gr-wxgui for gnuradio, I run these commands but as
long as there is no ./bootstrap in gr-wxgui, it does not recognize the
bootstrap command, please tell me what is wrong?
% source ~/setup2.csh
% cd ~/tmp/gnuradio/gr-wxgui
./ bootstrap
command not found
I am trying to install gnuradio-core but after the ./bootstrap command , I
get the following errors
configure.ac:25: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
configure.ac:34: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PROG_AS
configure.ac:40: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOO