input file
autoheader: `' or `' is required
automake: `' or `' is required
Someone know why?
Thank you :-)
2012/5/10 Loic Danceg
> Hi Ellen,
> Thank you for your faster answer!
> I just need to do that? So
sen directory (e.g. /etc/)
> - build it, install it and run it. ;)
> have a nice day.
> Regards
> Ellen
> 2012/5/10 Loic Danceg
>> Hi everybody,
>> Is it possible to install an old version of GNURadio? Like version 3.3 or
>> 3.4?
Hi everybody,
Is it possible to install an old version of GNURadio? Like version 3.3 or
If yes, how is possible?
Because apt-get install and the automatic script install the version.
Thank you a lot!
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
Hi everybody,
I try to use the function *uhd.usrp_source*.
It works well with the default rate
*parser.add_option("-s", "--samp-rate", type="eng_float",
help="set sample rate (bandwidth)
But i would like to have a better rate
Hi everybody,
I try to add a new block in a current project and i saw some file.lo which
is necessary for linking the library.
This file use an object .o
Someone know the goal of this file.lo and file.o?
And how can i create my own file.o?
Thank you a lot!!
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Ben Hilburn wrote:
>> Aha - you suspect a SWIG error? That may indeed be the issue.
>> Check out Martin's advice, and let us know how it goes. Have you
>> generally tested the SWIG for your class?
>> Chee
#x27; doesn't have
> the member 'test'. This is an error in your code.
> How familiar are you with Python? You may want to read up on some Python
> documentation to help you understand how that all works.
> Che
Hi everybody!
I try to create my own block in a current project (rfid). So there are
currently other blocks which works correctly.
I had create my, my file.h and add the part that i need to add in
the file rfid.i
After that, I enter the following command line:
make confi
Hi everybody,
I have a stupid question but...when i modify a blocks (in C++), i need to
compile after the modification? If i want to use this block in a python
Thank you!
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list