Hi -
I am trying to get multiple traces to display in the Scope Sink block
for GNU Radio Companion 3.2.3svn. When I set the number of inputs to
something other than 1 the block shows the correct number of sinks
but the traces do not appear. Also if I set a single input to complex
I only see o
_input ('Press Enter to stop: ')
if __name__ == '__main__':
main ()
Take care,
- Larry
At 03:40 PM 1/26/2009, Eric Blossom wrote:
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 11:34:34PM -0800, Larry Wagner
ments in the multi_scope.py script are
more complicated. They are:
def main ():
app = stdgui2.stdapp(my_top_block, "Multi Scope", nstatus=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main ()
How can I run the scope app with a keypress and possibly an inpu