I know we have been talking over email, but I wanted to post this for
everyone to see.
The Zynq build wiki has gotten a little out of date and over the next few
weeks I'll be updating it to fix various issues that have been brought up.
As well, there has been a lot great work on the Open Embedded
Before I ask my question, I'd like to thank everyone that's been helping me
out. I (and my peers at Purdue) are just starting out with the USRP and
really appreciate the support.
On to my question, I wrote a demodulation block for FM that uses a method
different than the provided quadrature_demod_
Hey Everyone,
To whoever can help me out, I'm trying to make my own signal processing
block. I've gotten to the point where I run the make file, but I keep
getting the following error:
"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfftw3f"
This even occurs if I try to compile the howto example. Another member on my
Thank you for the reply. That is the script I use for reading in the data
into MATLAB. I should have made that more clear.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Johnathan Corgan <
> On 2/14/08, Jonathon Pendlum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then, I
I'm a student trying to use the USRP with the TVRX board to do a simple FM
stereo receiver. I previously wrote a MATLAB model of a FM transmitter and
receiver, and I wanted to use real data in my model. I've been modifying the
wideband fm example to record data from the TVRX board by basica