long time lurker, first time poster + newbie in GNURadio and digital signal
processing here.
I'm terribly sorry if the question I'm about to ask is already answered in the
wiki (couldn't find anything so far).
I have a question about flowgraph deconstruction / end of execution for mess
well with the GNURadio
For python I'd like to use PyCharm, for C++ I would like to not use Eclipse, so
does someone know an alternative? Minimum requirements would be: GUI,
breakpoints, watches.
Thanks & have a nice day,
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Simona Sibio
Sent: Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2019 13:01
To: Kyeong Su Shin
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP GNU radio receiver
Hi Kyeong,
I attached the
I know this list contains a lot of recipients but I'd just like to thank you
and all contributors for this major release, looking forward to check it soon.
Keep up the good work!
-Original Message-
From: Discuss-gnuradio
Off-topic: not sure about the terminology in the GNURadio community, just be
aware that for most electrical engineers “sps” means samples per second and not
samples per symbol. I’d rather not use the acronym at all in a block diagram to
improve readability.
From: Discuss
Small addition: that’s why in the GNSS world (and others I guess) we use C/N0:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-to-noise-density_ratio which is “normed”
to 1Hz.
Kyeong’s video is a must watch if you are new to this field!
From: Discuss-gnuradio
an SDR
that can transmit and costs less than 50$. If you strip away the transmit
requirements, the rtl-sdr is perfect for your needs:
Maybe you can use this and an inexpensive arbitrary waveform generator?
From: Discuss-gnuradio
; blocks. A good source:
-Original Message-
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Barry Duggan
Sent: Dienstag, 18. Juni 2019 16:02
To: Discuss Gnuradio
Subject: [Discuss-g
If you’re happy with receive-only you could have a look at KerberosSDR:
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Andrew Wolfram
Sent: Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2019 01:20
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Determining distance from OFDM signals
I'm trying to alter the
and not GNURadio
You can always use your “top_block.py” as a starting point for the pure python
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Daniel Andres Palacios
Sent: Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019 02:17
io whatever you want.
-Original Message-
From: Discuss-gnuradio
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jonas.manthey=u-blox@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Maitry Raval
Sent: Freitag, 17. Mai 2019 13:37
To: Marcus Müller, CEL
Cc: discuss-gnuradio
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio]
gnuradio, swig 3.0.10 and python 2.7.11
running on Arch Linux, kernel 4.6.3, 64 bit.
Thanks in advance
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gnuradio import gr, blocks
import pmt
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
This is a demo of how acce
ad if someone told me what I am doing wrong.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
Hi All!
I would just like to ask what this line means. This has been taken from the
doxygen generated documentation for gr_single_pole_iir_filter_cc:
\[ H(z) = \frac{alpha}{1 - (1-alpha) z^{-1}} \]
Is it alpha /(1-(1-alpha)*z^-1)? Or is it 1/(alpha(1-(1-alpha)*z^-1))?
Hi everyone!
I have this problem with using gr_float_to_complex. I wanted to connect two
sptr types wherein one contains floats while the other is an sptr type of
gr_float_to_complex. Unfortunately, I always get an error message saying
'port number out of range.' What should I do?
Sample Code:
Thanks for your reply!
I now found the error in my code regarding using gr_interleave. I had to
pass two "sptr" types so that they can connect. So now I have another
Since my sources are all of "list" type that has been generated in Python
without using any GNU Radio blocks; is there som
Is it possible to interleave from three different sources by using
gr_interleave? For example, will the following codes be possible using
src0 =
src1 =
src2 =
interleave = gr.interleave(gr.sizeof_float)
downstream =
fg.connect(src0, (interleave, 0))
fg.connect(src1, (inte
Thanks for your help! (Yey!) But I have another problem. It doesn't read the
file correctly.
For your info, the file has been generated by MATLAB using the "-ascii"
setting. Therefore the file contents look something like this.
1.7011476e+000 -1.6834541e+000 2.6309809e+000 2.1425840e+000 -
.. So what do I do?
On 1/15/08, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still have the same problem. Actually, I am just including header
> files of my own design. And as par your suggesstion, I decided to
> include them in a file called divcom_shared_func.cc.
> In short divc
#include "others.cc"
#include "elem_matrix.cc"
using elem_matrix_jonas::elem_matrix;
And the functions defined in these files are all repeatedly used.
Unfortunately, I still get the same errors regarding multiple definitions.
So what do I do now?
On 1/15/08, Jon
I'll try this.
On 1/15/08, Eric Blossom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 07:40:26PM +0800, Jonas wrote:
> > I have a question.
> >
> > I am trying to make 4 signal processing blocks wherein some of the
> > definitions f
In short, could I change the g++ compilation rules? How do I do this?
On Jan 14, 2008 7:40 PM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a question.
> I am trying to make 4 signal processing blocks wherein some of the
> definitions for its computations wi
I have a question.
I am trying to make 4 signal processing blocks wherein some of the
definitions for its computations will be REPEATEDLY defined. I really intend
this. However, basing from the gr-howto module (of which I used the built-in
dependencies there), the compiler ALWAYS COMPLAINS of a mu
These are the errors shown when MAKE-ing GNU Radio.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./qa_rational_resampler.py", line 24, in
from gnuradio import blks
File "/home/jpgacrama/INSTALLERS/GNU_RADIO/gnuradio-3.1.1
line 37, in
On Jan 11, 2008 11:46 AM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still can't connect to SVN:
> These are the error messages. I think it has something to do with the fact
> that I am connected via a proxy server. I think I'll just stick with the FTP
> version hu
vn/gnuradio/trunk': could not connect to server (
On Jan 11, 2008 11:19 AM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I already uninstalled GNU Radio and attempted to download from SVN again.
> Unfortunately, I get these error messages.
> svn: PROPFIND request
So what do I do now? hehe =)
On Jan 11, 2008 11:07 AM, Dan Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> You want to remove the installed files of GNU radio, you're going to
> replace them from source.
Will I not remove the installed files of GNU Radio? Do I just remove its
On Jan 11, 2008 10:50 AM, Dan Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jonas wrote:
> > Yes, I did that (with an added sudo, se
On Jan 11, 2008 10:45 AM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I did that (with an added sudo, see below). However, error messages
> appear as shown below.
> sudo svn co http://gnuradio.org/svn/gnuradio/trunk gnuradio
> svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/!svn/vcc
I can't seem to connect to SVN, and the version of GNU Radio that I used is
the one that can be obtained from the FTP site (
So, is there any other way out for me?
On Jan 11, 2008 10:19 AM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
a fresh Ubuntu Gutsy system literally yesterday
> using the exact same install procedure as the Wiki... Try the updated
> version of the code as indicated on the UbuntuInstall page you referenced.
> - -Dan
> Jonas wrote:
> > I decided to re-install GNU Radio after
I decided to re-install GNU Radio after re-downloading the needed
dependencies. Unfortunately, it didn't pass make check.
Read my previous post having this subject "ERROR: GNU Radio doesn't pass
Make check" for more information.
Anyway, I decided to make gr-howto-write-a-block. Unfortunately, it
GNU Radio does not pass Make check.
Attached is the latest error generated upon running Make check-ing GNU
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./qa_rational_resampler.py", line 24, in
from gnuradio import blks
File "/home/jpgacrama/INSTALLERS/GNU_RADIO/gnuradio-3.1.1
Attached is the latest error generated upon running Make check-ing GNU Radio.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./qa_rational_resampler.py", line 24, in
from gnuradio import blks
already created functions that do just
that. It's already incorporated into the main signal processing block
that I am creating. But thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if I could
use it.
On Jan 7, 2008 11:40 AM, Eric Blossom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan
To make things clearer regarding my previous post of a similar
subject, I have included part of my code to this post:
int divcom_rca_ff::general_work(int noutput_items,
gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_ite
eorge Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Read the 'how to write a block' document:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/howto-write-a-block.html
> It clearly explains that you can have an infinite number of input
> streams and how to achieve it.
> - George
These are some of the input parameters of gr_block::general_work() :
input_items vector of pointers to the input items, one entry per input
output_itemsvector of pointers to the output items, one entry per
output stream
Am I correct in understanding that the input_items CAN point
I have a question regarding the argument &input_items in the function
general_work from the library gr_block.h. Is my understanding correct that
it only takes ONE STREAM of inputs at a time?
I was hoping to implement a TWO CHANNEL input (two different sources and not
the in-phase and quadrature ty
have tried to make a new signal processing block which that is called
divcom. It is a diversity combining technique used to mitigate the effects
of multi-path fading. I am trying to implement this algorithm using GNU
I made my signal processing block and I now wish to integrate this to the
I have tried to make a new signal processing block which that is called
divcom. It is a diversity combining technique used to mitigate the effects
of multi-path fading. I am trying to implement this algorithm using GNU
I made my signal processing block and I now wish to integrate this to th
I have a problem recompiling the howto example on "how to make a signal
processing block" webpage.
This is the website should you be interested:
I ran aclocal, autoconf, then auotomake.
However, everytime I run automake the follow
I have read this website that teaches us how to write our own signal
processing block.
WEBSITE: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/howto-write-a-block.html
I tried using the autotools like autoconf, automake and aclocal since I
would like to "rewrite" the configure (the executable and not
I have another problem regarding the USRP. I can't seem to receive any FM
signal. I have tried using the usrp_wfm_rcv.py but all I receive is NOISE...
I used an SMA cable as my antenna receiver. Could this cause my problem? Or
is the problem with the software? Or is it in the hardware? Thanks!
I have this persistent problem when installing GNU Radio on my computer.
Below is my computer's description and the nature of the problem.
Linux jpgacrama-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007
i686 GNU/Linux
I'm currently using Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) as my Ope
I have an array in MATLAB that is the IQ data in complex form of a
capture from my hardware. I wish to now feed this to GNURadio. What
format do I export/save this array to file? Are there any example .m
files floating around for this task?
There are some utility .m files locate
As fas as I can tell it appears as though the flowgraph does end when I
call stop, so I think the problem is at the USRP level.
Thanks, Jonas
This email, including any attachments, is only for the intended
addressee. I
Eric Blossom wrote:
On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 02:17:38PM +1200, Jonas wrote:
I have run into a problem using flow_graph stop(). To test the
problem, I wrote a quick test script that simply sinks a tone to the
USRP (test_tone.py).
Hi Jonas,
Can you send me the complete script
Apologies for previous subject line! That should have been Re:
[Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio TCP and MATLAB.
This email, including any attachments, is only for the intended
addressee. It is subject to copyright, is confident
thing, right?
Has anyone else encountered similar problems when using flowgraph stop()
in conjunction with the USRP?
(I am running the latest stable release, 3.0.3**, on Ubuntu).
This email, including any a
adio file source.
I wouldn't be surprised if the USRP overflows that you are seeing are
attributed to Matlab's inability to keep up (assuming you are going from
the USRP to Matlab).
This email, including any a
reporting) is not required. I think
though, that what you want is Windows/Matlab/GNU Radio/USRP on the same
(P.S, sorry if I have screwed up the "reply" process, not entirely sure
if I'm doing it right)
Fantastic, works like a charm! I thought the problem was in the way I
was using SWIG but the culprit was the C/C++ linkage. Now I can try it
with my original files.
Thanks for all the help!
Jan Schiefer wrote:
Finally: “make clean”, “make” and “make check”.
This results in
cated in
the constructor howto_square2_ff ().
I added test.c to the “_howto_la_SOURCES” entry in “src/lib/Makefile.am”.
Finally: “make clean”, “make” and “make check”.
This results in:
undefined symbol: _Z10jonas_testv
this makes sense.
Thanks a lot,
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motherboard is significantly reducing the
sensitivity of the daughter-board?
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addressee. It is subject to copyright, is confidential and may be
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