I have been following the instruction for Getting Started with RFNOC
Development. I have made it to the point of generating a custom FPGA image
with the following command
./uhd_image_builder.py window fft -d x310 -t X310_RFNOC_HG -m 5
with the following status on completion
I am going through the Getting Started with RFNOC guide and the following
command fails
$ ./uhd_image_builder.py window fft -d x310 -t X310_RFNOC_HG -m 5
I have installed a licensed version of Vivado 2017.4
When I run the above command the output is:
--Using the following bl
I have installed GNUradio and UHD from PyBOMBS as described in the following
ettus webpage https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_Development
When I try to build the FPGA image with some built-in RFNOC blocks I get
errors. the webpage calls out a different base FPGA image to mod
I have installed GRC and UHD via PyBOMBS on Ubuntu 18.04. I am working with a
Ettus x310. I cab successfully run uhd_usrp_probe launch GRC that finds the
SDR correctly. I wrote a simple GRC program that creates a tone, sends it to
the transmitter ad then through a loopback to the receiver for
image_loader, power
> cycling them, and then trying again.
> Good luck!
> -Dave
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 5:36 PM John_w_g wrote:
>> I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and the only listed GRC version in the ppa is
>> version
>> I ha
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and the only listed GRC version in the ppa is version
I have an Ettus x310 and have downloaded the correct FPGA image and verified
correct operation with uhd_usrp_probe.
I have GRC 3.7.11 installed and when I attempt to access the x310, I get an
incompatible FP