I recently installed GNURadio on Kubuntu 17.10 using PyBOMBS and had no
issues. HTH a bit. --Hans
On 08/14/2018 10:56 PM, Roland Schwarz wrote:
Am 2018-08-10 um 03:54 schrieb Linda20071:
I am trying to install gnu radio using pybombs. However, I got the
following error:
os to the people who did such a fine job on PyBOMBS and GNUradio:
they did an incredibly good job.
73 de Hans
On 08/06/2018 04:08 AM, Chris Kuethe wrote:
To expand on this a little, you can add some '-v' flags, eg. `pybombs
-v -v -v install gr-satellites` to see what'
To answer my own question: "pybombs install libfec" needed to be run as
root. After that gr-satellites installed fine.
On 08/05/2018 02:36 PM, Hans BX2ABT wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to install gr-satellites, which depends on libfec. Both
are in gr-etcetera and links to
kager.source - ERROR - Problem occured while building package
libfec: Installation failed
PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Error installing package libfec. Aborting.
Where do I go from here? I can't find any pyBOMBS log or error file,
neither any source for the packager.
Thanks for the