nd branch of your flowgraph, you need to
>> duplicate all the vertices (blocks) first, so that they can function on
>> their own.
>> On 09/08/2013 11:47 PM, Driesprong, Fokko wrote:
>> Hello Marcus,
>> I am sorry for the scare inform
Kind regards,
Fokko Driesprong
2013/9/12 Nick Foster
> Dangit. Missed one -- had renamed ais_rx.py to ais_rx but forgot to change
> apps/CMakeLists.txt to reflect it. Fixed, pushed the fix to master.
> Thanks!
> Nick
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 7:17 AM, Driesprong, Fok
> Do you have the source code (at leas ais_rx.py in your current version)
> somewhere?
> On 09/08/2013 09:25 PM, Driesprong, Fokko wrote:
> He guys,
> I have managed to fix all the swig error's, but now I have some issue's
> with python.
objects shipped with osmosdr/gnuradio.
Kind regards,
ing. Fokko Driesprong
2013/9/5 Martin Braun (CEL)
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 12:20:17AM +0200, Driesprong, Fokko wrote:
> > He Guys,
> >
> > Thank you for the prompt replies, in special Nick Foster for the reply,
> I a
is there a data file containing AIS samples for testing
>> anywhere?
>> Philip
>> On 09/04/2013 10:57 AM, Marcus Müller wrote:
>> > Never, it's obsolete; use gr_modtool to generate a 3.7 module, and refer
>> > to the GR wiki for instruc
t; Since it is integral to GR, a gruel from a different version of GNU Radio
> > (which is most probably the case when you install it via your package
> manager),
> > will almost never do. Please do not mix up GNU Radio versions.
> >
> > On 09/04/2013 11:49 AM, Driesprong, Fok
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for the response and thoughts.
I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on the beaglebone. I don't use any GUI, and I
start the gr-ais script from the commandline. With the cortex A8 and neon
co-processor the beaglebone is suprisingly powerfull.
Currently I am developing on a Ubuntu 13.10 des
Dear Gnuradio members,
I am working on a port for GR-AIS to version 3.7. The initial version was
for GN3.3, later it is merged to CMake.
The problem is that I am trying to compile Gnuradio with the gr-ais
extension on a beaglebone black (bbb). I managed to compile 3.7 on the bbb,
but the problem