Dear All,
In file, class radar_rx(gr.top_block) and class
radar_tx(object) are defined. I would like to add a wait() function for both
radar_rx and radar_tx.
In class radar_rx(gr.top_block), radar_rx is under gr.top_block class, so I
can define wait() as:
def rx_wait(self):
Hi All,
I am confused on this reply, posted on
. The reply said that "With the RFX2400, and most of the high frequency usrp
Hi All,
I am confused on this reply. The reply said that "With the RFX2400, and most
of the high frequency usrp daughtercards,
there is no IF frequency". How is that possible? For RFX2400 the RF range is
from 2.3GHz to 2.9GHz, the ADC rate for USRP1 is 64MS/s. If there is no IF
frequency, the AD
fore rrc filter and
after self.chunks2symbols?
Thanks so much,
Tom Rondeau wrote:
> On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am plotting the constellation plot for qam
BTW, I also got more fuzzy 16 points save by chunks2symbols.dat before the
filter. Could anyone help me explain it?
Brook Lin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am plotting the constellation plot for qam8 before and after the root
> raised cosine filter. Why I didn
Hi All,
I am plotting the constellation plot for qam8 before and after the root
raised cosine filter. Why I didn't get clear 8 dots constellation before the
root raised cosine filter (plotted from the data saved by
chunks2symbols.dat)? For both constellation before (data saved by
Hello ALL,
I am using Ubuntu-10.04 and the latest gnuradio downloaded via git. UHD has
been installed. However, I get 'Destination Host Unreachable' when ping
$ sudo ifconfig eth0
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>From 192.168.1
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and installing the latest gnuradio download via git
clone To enable USRPN210+WBX, I also
follow the steps
to build and install the UHD.
Hi All,
I am using two USRP N210 with WBX. Can I connect two WBX with cable
directly? Or I need an attenuator between them. If so, what kind of
attenuator I need.
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
Thanks, Eric. You are right. I found that python-gnuradio-core was installed
from synaptic package manager. Now, everything works fine. Thanks, all.
- Brook
Eric Blossom wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 04:03:59PM -0700, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Thanks, Marcus.
Thanks, Marcus.
I tried and got the same error. I also tried under
/gnuradio-example/python/audio, but I got the similar error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 24, in
from gnuradio import audio
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-package
quot;credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gnuradio import gr
>>> from gnuradio import usrp
>>> from gnuradio import audio
Eric Blossom wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 02:21:27PM -0700, Brook Lin wrote:
Thanks, Eric.
>Is your PYTHONPATH set to /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages?
>Is your PYTHONPATH exported?
I'm not sure on these two questions. I installed python2.6 from synaptic
package manager, I thought it should set the path right. If not, could you
please tell me how to set PYTHONPATH
> ~JeffL
> On 8/25/2010 3:28 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I followed the instructions on
>> to install
>> gn
Elvis Dowson wrote:
> Hi,
> On Aug 25, 2010, at 10:28 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> I also found that there is nothing
>> under directory /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages. How should I fix
>> this problem? Can anyone give me some advice?
Hi All,
I followed the instructions on to install
gnuradio-3.3.0 onto Ubuntu-10.04 LTS. I used qwt-5.2.1, boost_1_37_0, and
all other packages from synaptic package manager. After ./configure
--with-boost=$BOOST_PREFIX, I got:
The followin
I got it. Everything works fine. Thanks, Josh.
Josh Blum-2 wrote:
> Unless you had a specific use in mind for the qt stuff, you probably
> wont need it. I would just disable it in the configure, build, install.
> -JOsh
> On 08/03/2010 02:15 PM, Brook Li
it in the configure, build, install.
> -JOsh
> On 08/03/2010 02:15 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I also tried other version of gnuradio, such as gnuradio-3.1.2, 3.2.2,
>> but I
>> got the same errors when "make". I just upgr
Hi All,
I also tried other version of gnuradio, such as gnuradio-3.1.2, 3.2.2, but I
got the same errors when "make". I just upgraded qwt-5.0.2 to qwt-5.2.1, but
no help. Any suggestion here?
Brook Lin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to install gnuradi
Hi All,
I am trying to install gnuradio-3.2.1 on Ubuntu-8.04 OS. There is no error
for configure, but there are errors when "make". libqwtplot3d-qt4 and
libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev have been installed. Can anyone tell me how to solve
Thanks in advance,
=== Errors ===
Hi All,
When we use any of the USRP daughterboard to transmit, do we need the
authorization? For example, FRX900 includes the cell phone bands in US. If
we use FRX900 to transmit, do we violate the FCC rule? Or, we could legally
use any daughterboard on any band that falls in the frequency range
ould fix this problem.
> Last idea is if you've tried the VRT firmware/gnuradio code on the other
> PC
> -- the control packets have changed in this release so wont work with
> stock
> git/packaged gnuradio versions.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010
Hi All,
I'm testing my USRP2. I run ./ and ./, both
worked fine. However, I got an error now, "RuntimeError: No USRPs found on
interface eth0". I didn't change anything on this computer. I connect the
USRP2 on another computer, all work fine. Could anyone advise me on
Hi All,
When I use and to transmit and
receive, I found that the transmitter side is faster than the receiver side.
For example, I give a small pkt size, say s=1200, and a large file size, say
M=5. When finished transmitting, at the r
s like its trying to execute howto_code.h (from your path) rather
> than adding it to the relevant enviroment variable.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 4:29 AM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am building a signal processing b
Hi All,
I am building a signal processing block following the tutorial under the
directory /gnuradio/gr-howto-write-a-block, say 'howto_code' block. I've
created howto_code.h and file under
/gnuradio/gr-howto-write-a-block/src/lib, meanwhile, I modified howto.i and in t
s possible for implementing the MC-CDMA. Can I apply the same
synchronization method for OFDM into MC-CMDA? Please advise me.
Brian Padalino wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply, Brian. Is there any examples t
Thanks for your reply, Brian. Is there any examples that I can reference?
Brian Padalino wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Does anyone experiment with CDMA via GNU Radio? I am trying to implement
Hi All,
Does anyone experiment with CDMA via GNU Radio? I am trying to implement
CDMA via GNURadio. How and where should I start? Thanks in advance.
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archi
Hi All,
I am working on OFDM based on and
Can anyone give me some hint on how to adjust transmission power on each
subcarrier, please? If I set --tx-amplitude, it will be applied on all the
subcarriers, however, I want different subcarrier with differen
Hi All,
I am testing OFDM transmission. When I transmit from a file using, I can receive 75% pkt at the receiver side using, and all of them are right. When I stream the input
data to a port via UDP, and let get data from this port
Thanks Martin for your reply. I gave a larger gain, but still doesn't work.
And I think I was using AM modulation in my tx_path, wasn't it? And I used to receive my transmitted signal. Should I use
gr.interp_fir_filter_fff() on the transmitter side for am modulation? Are
the para
Hi All,
I'm trying to transmit a wave file using gr.wavfile_source(). To test my
transmission path, I first transmit a sine wave, and I can receive it and
sink it to sound card fine. I can hear the sound at the receiver side.
However, if I change the source using gr.wavfile_source(), I can hear
Hi All,
I am using and to transmit and receive a
file. At the, by setting the value of -M, the transmitter
process is terminated when the total transmitting packages size is larger
than M*1e6. When the transmitter stops, the receiver stops receiving
Hi All,
I am working on the OFDM project. When I run sudo
./ -f 450M -R A -v -d 32 --fft-length 128
--occupied-tones 100 --cp-length 32, I want to terminate the process if the
pktno>100. I tried:
def main():
def rx_callback(ok, payload):
Hi All,
I am using USRP to receive video streaming, and feed the data to a socket as
the client. Then, I open a vlc as the server to open the network stream via
UDP. The code is shown below.
# the server
vlc udp://@:2002
# the client, which is inserted into in
Hi All,
I am working on OFDM. The current OFDM implementation uses occupied_tones
concept. Could anyone tell me what the occupied_tones concept is? How to get
rid of the occupied_tones concept eventually?
View this message in context:
Hi All,
I saved gr_ofdm_mapper_bcv.* files as other name say
gr_new_ofdm_mapper_bcv.* in the same directry, because I need some
modification based on these later. After that, I did
/gnuradio/gnuradio-core/src/lib$ make
/gnuradio/gnuradio-core/src/lib$ sudo make install
I don't know whether I nee
Modulation Type: bpsk
FFT length: 128
Occupied Tones: 100
CP length:32
ok: True pktno: 1n_rcvd: 1 n_right: 1
sh: pipe: not found
Brook Lin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to write the payload to a pipe rather than to a file in
Hi All,
I am trying to write the payload to a pipe rather than to a file in The script is attached below. However, I got the error
'Broeken pipe' when I run the script. Can anyone tell me why is that and how
to correct it?
Hi All,
I am doing video transmission using OFDM. At the receiver side, I save
payload to a file, meanwhile, use VLC to access this file to play the video.
However, VLC stops play the content while it reaches to the end of the file,
and does not wait for the continuosly coming payload. Is that p
I think you could change the value of -d and -i and see. This is what I
./ -f 440M -T A --tx-amplitude 5000 -v -i 128
--fft-length 128 --occupied-tones 80 --cp-length 32
./ -f 440M -R A -v -d 64 --fft-length 128
--occupied-tones 80 --cp-length 32
Hi All,
I am working on OFDM. I use and to
transmit and receive data right now.
./ -f 440M -T A --tx-amplitude 5000 -v -i 128
--fft-length 128 --occupied-tones 80 --cp-length 32
./ -f 440M -R A -v -d 64 --fft-lengt
Hi All,
For the OFDM, the fft_length is the total number of subcarriers, and the
occupied_tones is the total number of subcarriers that carry actual data,
which are in the middle of total subcarriers. However, I want to make the
subcarriers randomly on or off, which means, the occupied_tones ar
Hi All,
I'm using Ubuntu8.04 and trunk version 10200. After installation, I tried to
run ./ However, I got the error like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 30, in
from gnuradio import gr
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/sit
Hi All,
I am trying to install gnuradio from trunk (svn co Before that I download boost_1_36_0
from, and install boost_1_36_0 first.
~$ cd boost_1_36_0/
~/boost_1_36_0$ BOOST_PREFIX=/opt/boost_1_36_0
~/boost_1_36_0$ ./configure -
Hi All,
I am going to TX/RX using OFDM. However, I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and
Gnuradio3.1.1, there is no OFDM package included. How should I include the
OFDM package?
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Hello Fernando Perez-5,
I am trying to install OFDM too. Do you have any clue on how to include
those OFDM files to your system?
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at
still get video1 from TX1, not from TX2.
Could my idea be implemented? Can anyone help me on this problem?
Brook Lin
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at
message? Can
anyone help me solve it?
Brook Lin
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at
Discuss-gnuradio mailing
he RX side not clear or stop. Can anyone
help me on this problem?
Brook Lin
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabbl
Hi All,
I am working on digital communication using OFDM. And I tried to run the
file in /gnuradio-3.1.2/gnuradio-example/python/ofdm
@ TX side:
sudo ./ -f 420M --tx-amplitude 6000
@ RX side:
sudo ./ -f 420M
At the TX side, the pktno = 2500, however,
subcarriers are used. How are these 200 used subcarriers allocated? How I
should do if I only want to use the first and the last subcarrier or other
specific subcarrier?
Brook Lin
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Sent from
Thanks so much. But do you have some tutorial regarding it? How should I
start it?
Brook Lin
Lin Huang-2 wrote:
> You may try 'VideoLAN'. It supports IP streaming output and input. Then
> you
> can make your TX RX as an IP tunnel.
> BR
Hi All,
I am using and to transmit and receive video
file. For now, I have a video file to transmit, and at the receiver side, I
save the received data to a file, then use a media player to play it. This
part works fine. However, how about if I want to do a real-ti
Hi All,
I am using USRP to sweep the whole cell phone band and pick up the cell
phone signals by spectrum analysis. How about, if I want to separate the
signals by different companies? Does anyone have suggestions on how to do
it? How can I find the feature in frequency domain for at&t, verizon,
Hi All,
I am using 1400M 2000M -F 512 -d 16 --tune-delay 1e-3
--dwell-delay 10e-3 to sense the spectrum.
In main_loop(tb), I print m.center_freq and
freq_step = 0.75 * usrp_rate=0.75*(64M/16)=3M. So m.center_freq[0]=1401.5M,[0][511] are 512 bins co
our code above). I argue it should be
> "-10*
> math.log10(self.fft_size)..."
> [from Brook Lin]
> self.fft_size,-20*math.log10(self.fft_size)-10*math.log10
> (power/self.fft_size))
> Any comments?
> Here is some quick code to display the max index of the
And I also want to show this maximum value on the status bar in wxgui, which
shows the fft plot in the gnuradio-example. Any suggestion?
In short, when I run, how can I show the peak value on the wxgui
window? Can I do it like what I did now?(I mean the code I attached
previously). If
Hi All,
I tried to access the output of FFT by using self.dst1 = gr.vector_sink_s()
and use gr.argmax_fs(self.fft_size) to find the index of the maximum value.
However, I can not get the output, I attached the code below.
Actually, I also want to find the maximum value using dst2 =
Hi All,
I am not familiar with Python. I want to know how I can add an GUI window to
show spectrum, like does, in file. The
example of usrp_spectrum_sense gives the and also m.frequency. Can I
add GUI to show spectrum and meantime update center frequency
Hi All,
I am not familiar with Python. I got confused on the output of FFT block. I
can record the raw data coming to the USRP. However, I also need the data
coming outof FFT block. For example, when is running, it calls and give the spectrum plot. I found that in class ff
Hi All,
I found one of replies sent by Eric said that:
>What are the units of the Y axis of usrp_oscope?
>They are the output of the digital down converter.
>They are not calibrated to any particular voltage level.
>The levels depend on the gain setting too.
My first question now is whet
Hi All,
I am using TVRX to receive TV signal. I set decimation 8 to give a 8MHz wide
frequency band which is larger than TV bandwidth 6MHz. Now I just use a
piece of wire as the antenna, however, I think I receive audio spectrum
rather than video spectrum. What kind of antenna I should use for ob
Hi Eric and All,
I found one of replies sent by Eric said that:
>What are the units of the Y axis?
They are the output of the digital down converter.
They are not calibrated to any particular voltage level.
The levels depend on the gain setting too.
My first question now is what the unit exac
Hi All,
I learn that the shows the real and imaginary parts of the
complex baseband signal coming from the output DDC. However, is red channel
for the real and blue channel for the imaginary? How can I check it?
View this message in context:
Hi All,
I have a question on the amplitude of How can I print out the
max amplitude by given a center frequency. For example, if there is a
99.1MHz FM station, which is detected by RXTV d'board, I can use
simply detect this signal in frequency domain. Meanwhile, I want to
Hi All,
I am using DBSRX daughterboard now. I want to see the envelop of high freq
signal in time domain, say a cell phone signal. Do I need any signal
processing blocks besides
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Thanks for all your suggestions. I tried this today:
sudo ./ -f 120M -I plughw:0,0
>>> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
gr_buffer::allocate_buffer: warning: tried to allocate
992 items of size 33. Due to alignment requirements
4096 were allocated. If this isn't OK, consider padding
Firas, I am running gnuradio3.1.1 on 64-bit machine, using Fedora7
Firas A. wrote:
> What is your OS Type? (Fedora, Ubuntu, .)
> Firas
Brook Lin wrote:
> Hi Firas, I am using gnuradio3.1.1
Firas A. wrote:
> What is your
Hi Firas, I am using gnuradio3.1.1
Firas A. wrote:
> What is your OS, gnuradio version ?
> Firas,
> Brook Lin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I just ran tx_voice and rx_voice.And I wanted to transmit a music and
>> receive it usi
Hi All,
I just ran tx_voice and rx_voice.And I wanted to transmit a music and
receive it using Basic RX/TX. However, I got the error:
$ sudo ./ -f 30M -I music.pcm -T A -v
>>> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
bits per symbol = 1
Gaussian filter bt = 0.35
Using TX d'board A: Basic Tx
Tx amplitude
I have figured out why it failed to set freq. Now my question is still how
can I get one GUI with one plot and show all the spectrum, say all FM
Brook Lin wrote:
> However, by given the lower bound and the upper bound of the freq range,
> next_freq can be get and &
Thanks for your reply and kind reminder, Eric. I think
works fine on my computer without segmentation fault.
I observe that there is a set_next_freq() function in
file, which is used to tune the center freq used in set_freq() function,
isn't it? The
, min_center_freq, and
max_center_freq can be set. Do I need to call self._build_gui(vbox) after
each updated center frequency? And all will be plotted in one GUI window?
Do you have any suggestion on it? I really appreciate!
Thanks in advance,
Brook Lin
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Hi All,
I run gnuradio-3.1.1 on FC7. After installing gnuradio successfully, I
tested, I got GUI pop-up, and saw the spectrum at given center
frequency. However, I got some warning, see below.
sudo ./
** (python:13669
Hi All,
I am new here. I met two questions after installing gnuradio-3.1.1. I know
they are simple questions, but I really don't know how to fix it and need
your help. I am using fc7. I follow the Fedora installation instructions on
the website, install every package it mentions. After installing
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