Hello Mehdi
looks to me like you forgot to run() your application:
> src_data = (0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,10)
> src = gr.vector_source_b (src_data,False) .
> sink = gr.vector_sink_b()
> fg.connect(src,sink)
> sink_data = sink.data()
> print sink_data
Regards, Andreas
Hello Chris
> we would like to implement a DAB receiver with GNU radio. On the
> hardware side we have a USRP with the TVRX daughterboard.
Jens Elsner, who worked on DAB some time ago, found out that the TVRX
actually disturbs the OFDM signal very much, making it rather hard to
receive DAB, so
> where is the inaccuracy in sampling frequency exactly happening?
> In USRP?
Yes - the sampling frequency is inaccurate, because the crystal on the
USRP is not oscillating at exactly 64 MHz.
FYI, the samples in the plot are actually not from an USRP (I didn't
record them myself) - the inaccuracy
Hello Per
> What is the cause of the problems. Clock jitter ?, non-linearities ?
No idea what could be the problem in your case, but maybe try also
plotting the phase of all symbols in one OFDM symbol vs the offset from
the central carrier.
I'm currently working on DAB and I found some probl
Hello Jens
> The work I did on DAB was basically OFDM synchronization in one GNU
> Radio block. The code was more or less a hack, but it deepened my
> understanding of digital signal processing. Not as easy as in text
> books. :) I'll email the report to you separately.
Thanks ..
> I wouldn't
I am an electrical engineering student, and I would like to implement a
DAB receiver as a semester thesis (about 1/3 the size of a Master thesis).
I intend to implement each part first in Matlab and then in GNU Radio.
Ideally, I hope to use the existing OFDM code in gnuradio-core and some
And in that context ... coolest Vim feature (needs Vim compiled with
python support):
In a file with content like
from gnuradio import gr
hit after gr.fir --> Vim completes the entry and shows the
documentation in the preview window (C-O and C-P scroll through the
completion list