Indeed, that was the error. Now everything works fine. Thank you very much
for your help.
El vie, 23 abr 2021 a las 10:27, Vasil Velichkov ()
> Hi Alvaro,
> On 23/04/2021 02.43, Alvaro Pendas Recondo wrote:
> > The source code is available here htt
CMake Error at lib/CMakeLists.txt:26 (add_library):
Target "gnuradio-TFMv3" links to target "gnuradio::gnuradio-fft" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
CMake Error at lib/CMakeLists.t
ft as expected based on the explanation
El jue, 22 abr 2021 a las 17:13, Vasil Velichkov ()
> Hi Alvaro,
> On 22/04/2021 17.48, Alvaro Pendas Recondo wrote:
> > 6. Add t
I am trying to implement my own header class derived from
'header_format_default' named 'header_format_counter_dif'. As you can
imagine, the class is quite similar to 'header_format_counter' with some
minor adjustments. My situation is almost identical to the one presented in
this mailing l
I am implementing a packet communication based on the examples at
gr-digital/examples/packet. Using packet-rx.grc as a reference with a
single-carrier scenario, I am trying to change de "Output SPS" of the
Poyphase Clock block from 1 to 2. That means two samples per symbol. I
then set "Ite
I am considering buying an SDR model bladeRF 2.0 micro xA4 that is supposed
to be compatible with GNU Radio through the library libbladeRF. Does anyone
have previous experience handling this model with GNU Radio or other models
by Nuand? I have experience with USRP and UHD, witch integratio