I have a vectorstream of floats. I tried to connect this vectorsream two
times to the block square. square is an instnce of gr.multiply_vff. Now I am
able to connet the input once with the block square.
Can some body tall my, how that I can connect this two blocks a secend time?
So, that
I work with an USRP and I like to ajust the given examplesfiles such as
oscope.py and fft.py? Is a GUI-Buildner available to implement Python-files
like those? Or what is the easiest way to implement GUI's in Python?
Thanks for help
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I could solve now my troubels by my own.
After I had Ubuntu Feisty reinstalled. I could work through the BuildGuide
from GNU Radio without any troubles.
I guess I build my troubles by many tries to install all the packages
correctly and might be the
I have some problems with the installation of the USRP on Ubuntu 7.04
For this installation I use the BuildingGuid from GNU Radio:
The first Problem I get by compiling GNU Radio. When I enter the command
make, the follow Errors occurr