I just tried gr_modtool bind on Ubuntu 24.04, and I'm getting the same
results (huge error dump).
For the last OOT I updated to 3.10, I just went back to Ubuntu 20.04 and
gcc 9.4.0. Then I checked that it builds okay on Ubuntu 24.04.
I've pasted my Ubuntu 24.04 gr_modtool bind error dump onto
I'm trying to port our gr-isdbt OOT so that it works as "out-of-the-box" as
possible in Ubuntu 24.04 (it's used in our course, so I would like the
student's life to be as simple as possible).
I've had some problems regarding binding, so I've decided to add a single
block into a freshly create
Hello all,
I have been working on creating a QAM-16 transmitter in GNURadios. We
observed that the output at the very end of the flow does not look like the
input, and we wondered if all the blocks are properly configured. Please
note that before you run it, you should configure the file paths to
Hi GR Community!
We wanted to make everyone aware that thanks to the immense contribution of
GSI-FAIR as presented at GRCon and EU GR Days, GR4 development has
proceeded rapidly. Our goal however is to broaden the involvement from the
community and have more blocks and applications developed with