That would be dpkg -l > file or dpkg -l | tee file, but again, it would be nice
if you have also clean Debian installation and you do this command on both
Debian OS, or just send me output of that list from prepared Debian with all
Second method with little bit more time s
Hi Robin,
I have spent many hours resolving all dependencies. I am working with
Debian Bookworm and Gnuradio 3.10.
I haven't made any documentation, but if I had a tool to output all
installed packages in a list from a running Linux distribution, I could
send it to you.
Am 28.05.2024 um 15:
Hello all,
I am contributing to GNU Radio for Google Summer of Code. My project is
updating the Forward Error Correction (FEC) package. I just posted my first
update, and you can view all my weekly updates here:
Kayla Comer
is there any simple way to redirect GNU radio Audio sink output to "wire" so
that it can be processed by some other software (e.g. WSJT-X)?
Thanks for any info