Re: Round trip time calculation - simulation

2023-08-31 Thread Johannes Demel
Hi Jiya, some inline comments. On 31.08.23 12:35, Jiya Johnson wrote: Hi Johannes, Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs! I appreciate your help so much. 1.I want to measure the time taken by 1 sample from the random source to the decoder unit-endpoint. My previous comment was targeted a

i have question about uhd:usrp sink block 's bandwidth

2023-08-31 Thread 전준현
hello i have a question about relation between sample rate of UHD USRP SINK block and CPU i am currently implement MIMO OFDM Radar system at gnuradio(ubuntu) and USRP X310 and UBX160 daughter board with 10gbit ethernet with connected by sfp cable as i read at ettus official manual it can handle 16

Round trip time calculation - simulation

2023-08-31 Thread Jiya Johnson
Hi Johannes, Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs! I appreciate your help so much. 1.I want to measure the time taken by 1 sample from the random source to the decoder unit-endpoint. 2.Need more clarifications in throttle usage in terms of latency. 3.Time stamp i have used is with two stampi