On 08/03/2023 15:43, DİREN ERDEM AYDIN via GNU Radio, the Free &
Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio wrote:
Dear All,
Changing only FFT size of the freq sink block during simulation drops
signal power drastically, screenshots are given in the attachments. I
am providing the pulse burst from
Dear All,
Changing only FFT size of the freq sink block during simulation drops
signal power drastically, screenshots are given in the attachments. I am
providing the pulse burst from the vector source as 6144 points (6 ones and
the rest of the points are zero). Since FFT sink blocks show the
Dear all,
I am trying to get started with RFNoC to develop a custom RFNoC block
integrated with UHD 4.3 and GNU Radio 3.10
There is an extensive tutorial [1,2] featuring the "rfnocmodtool" and
going all the way to the GNU Radio integration. However, it seems that
this is already outdated (UH