Hi Rohith - if you post a copy of your GRC file - not an image of the GRC file - then someone on the list should be able to help you.
Also, I noticed you're trying to use the RRC with excess bandwidth - 
typically excessive bandwidth requires raising  the sampling rate.
And at the risk of over generalization, everything is dependent on the 
sampling rate.
And please state what it is you're trying to accomplish.

Have you working through any of the tutorials at



-- Cinaed

On 11/30/22 05:54, Rohith Rajan wrote:
I am asking a doubt regarding receiver usinge t an  Adalm Pluto SDRsff
In the receiver section we are using *Polyphase Clock Sync*, *Linear Equalizer* and *Costas Loop.* My doubt is that is the configuration parameters of these blocks are dependent on the BW of the signal(Sample Rate)
Keeping the parameters as Normal  (*In Polyphase Clock Sync block*- No 
of filters(nfilts) as 32, Loop Bw .0628, RRC filter as
/firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0/float(sps), 0.35, 
11*sps*nfilts), sps as 4/
;* In Linear Equalize*r No of Taps as 15 ;In CostasLoop Loop BW as 
.0628) when I set the BW(sample Rate around)1MHz I can receive the datas.
But when I set the BW(Sample Rate) as 125KHz I cannot receive the datas.

Anyone plese tell me what modification I have to make ?

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