Re: Are there firls and kaiser filter methods for C++ OOT?

2022-02-23 Thread GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio
Hi George, You are welcome. > Q1. If I write a line of code to extract the remez taps, say: >lpfilter = > gr::filter::pm_remez ( int order, > const std::vector< double > & bands, > const std::vector< double > & ampl, > const std::vector< double > & error_weight, > const std::string filter

Re: Are there firls and kaiser filter methods for C++ OOT?

2022-02-23 Thread George Edwards
Hi Marcin, Thank you very much! I found my error, I forgot the "gain" which is the first parameter to the filter. The first parameter I wrote in the filter method was the "sample_rate" (which was a large number), hence the filter function could not converge. It is all good now, thank you. I have

Re: Adding external libs to an OOT block

2022-02-23 Thread Johannes Demel
Hi Dave, fortunately, the process got simpler. For now, let's assume the library you want to use supports CMake. In my experience, every library you can install via `sudo apt install lib...-dev` supports CMake. Let's assume you want to use libfmt, then you need: `find_package(fmt REQUIRED)`

Overflows "O" messages with USRP X300

2022-02-23 Thread Thomas Lorblanchès
Hi all, I try to use a USRP X300 with a 10G Ethernet link at full speed (200MS/s). I followed all the tips from but I still receive "O"s from time to time. I don't have these messages at 100MS/s. I'm surprised to receive these overf

Re: Are there firls and kaiser filter methods for C++ OOT?

2022-02-23 Thread GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio
George, Running the below code: *#include #include using namespace std;int main() { cout << "!!!Hello World!!!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!! std::vector taps = gr::filter::firdes::low_pass(1, 1, 0.3, 0.1); for(int i = 0; i < taps.size(); i++) cout << "tap " << i << ":" << "\t" <