Hi George,
You are welcome.
> Q1. If I write a line of code to extract the remez taps, say:
>lpfilter =
> gr::filter::pm_remez ( int order,
> const std::vector< double > & bands,
> const std::vector< double > & ampl,
> const std::vector< double > & error_weight,
> const std::string filter
Hi Marcin,
Thank you very much! I found my error, I forgot the "gain" which is the
first parameter to the filter. The first parameter I wrote in the filter
method was the "sample_rate" (which was a large number), hence the filter
function could not converge. It is all good now, thank you.
I have
Hi Dave,
fortunately, the process got simpler.
For now, let's assume the library you want to use supports CMake. In my
experience, every library you can install via `sudo apt install
lib...-dev` supports CMake.
Let's assume you want to use libfmt, then you need:
`find_package(fmt REQUIRED)`
Hi all,
I try to use a USRP X300 with a 10G Ethernet link at full speed (200MS/s).
I followed all the tips from
but I still receive "O"s from time to time.
I don't have these messages at 100MS/s.
I'm surprised to receive these overf
Running the below code:
*#include #include using namespace
std;int main() { cout << "!!!Hello World!!!" << endl; // prints !!!Hello
World!!! std::vector taps = gr::filter::firdes::low_pass(1, 1, 0.3,
0.1); for(int i = 0; i < taps.size(); i++) cout << "tap " << i << ":" <<
"\t" <