How to change the IP address of E312.

2021-01-17 Thread GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio

Re: How to debug python blocks.

2021-01-17 Thread Marcus Müller
What I've *done* in the past, but I can't remember how pretty that was: GDB has python integration (essentially, a large gdb script + python debug infos). If you can break at a C++ function that your python work() calls, you should be able to e.g. py-bt into the mother frames etc. Cheers, Marcu

Re: Parallel instances of grc on Linux

2021-01-17 Thread Tom Breyer
Hi Marcus, well, I try your way and I will report if I was successful, or not. Thank you for the hint about the new variable. Now, I go to bed and my computer compiles the new warm 3.9.0 from source :-) Thank you! Tom On 17.01.21 22:38, Marcus Müller wrote: yep! Seeing that you can install

Re: How to debug python blocks.

2021-01-17 Thread Jeff Long
Yah, there might be some kind of hack, but you're right ... since a Python block is being exec'd via a C++-to-Python gateway it's in a no man's land from the debugger perspective. On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 4:46 PM Nicholas Long wrote: > So I get the fact that GNURadio is highly parallel, that is f

Re: How to debug python blocks.

2021-01-17 Thread Nicholas Long
So I get the fact that GNURadio is highly parallel, that is fine. I debug C++ OOT blocks all the time and it is super easy, generally I make specific effort to isolate the OOT block that I am currently working on in a test flowgraph. For C++ OOT blocks I just run the python in gdb (vi

Re: Parallel instances of grc on Linux

2021-01-17 Thread Marcus Müller
yep! Seeing that you can install these separately, you definitely are setting the PYTHONPATH environment variabl so that either version is found; do the same for GRC_BLOCKS_PATH, so that the two block libraries don't interfere, if you haven't already. Then: GNU Radio 3.9 respects a new environm

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Cinaed Simson
Hi JM - I agree.  And typically with knowing very little about anything,  one can jam WIFI using aircrack-ng. But I would argue the SDR doesn't have to handshake with the receiver or scan the network, so it may be more efficient. But on the other hand, you may need more computing power then R

Parallel instances of grc on Linux

2021-01-17 Thread Tom Breyer
Hi all, I installed 3.8.2 and 3.9.0RC0 on my system (Debian 11 testing). Both instances are running well but I want to distinguish/separate the files which are opened when I start GRC. At the moment 3.8.2 is opening file a + b and when I start 3.9.0, the same files are opened. Instead of this I

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Cinaed Simson
Hi Paul - you need to post your grc file, version of gnuradio, version of gr-osmosdr and which operating system you're using. These people good - but they can't read your mind. And I would recommend using the word "transmit" instead of "jamming" - otherwise - judging from the number of respons

Re: Problem with Log Power FFT block

2021-01-17 Thread Cinaed Simson
Actually, I did make a stupid  mistake in the stream-vector block  - there's no problem - it works as expected under 3.8.2. -- Cinaed On 1/16/21 2:36 PM, Cinaed Simson wrote: Hi Jeff - hmm, it appears the FFT block on 3.8.2 appears it doesn't like vectors? -- Cinaed On 1/16/21 1:24 PM, Jeff

[announcement] Release

2021-01-17 Thread Marcus Müller
Dear SDR community most likely to travel in time to save the present, The future is not set, there is no fate but what we make for ourselves. In this very spirit, GNU Radio 3.9 packs a whole bunch of power when it comes to transforming the way GNU Radio and its ecosytem can be developed in the fut

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread paullescot
Hello Derek, I agree with you. I am trying to make a jammer to be able to detect it afterwards. The idea is to use machine learning to be able to detect a jammer with gnuradio by using a trained model. De : Aditya Arun Kumar À : Robert Heerekop Sujet : Re: Jamming the WiFi channel Date :

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Andi Kita
I mean really why don't you just google stuff lol and end it. Jamming is illegal, testing your network it's not so don't jam others and you are fine. Don't jam your router with high transmitting power stay as close to your router 1 meter so you don't affect others and and you are good to go. Unle

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Aditya Arun Kumar
Hi Jean, So the attacks against wireless systems are not only Jamming. Typically wireless attacks can be broadly categorized into 4 types (Jamming, Spoofing, Relaying, and PHY reversing). Yeah, you're right, the military does pay you for building these kinds of systems and this is rather an interes

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread
We might hide or we might discuss ... jamming systems are less than 10 euros on amazon [0] for any script-kiddie to play with including myself [1]. Why anyone one would want to implement this in SDR rather than a NE555+VCO is beyond my understanding by why not ... we even got to reverse enginee

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Aditya Arun Kumar
Hi Derek, Yeah, I accept all the things, after all, I have to, as I tend to wireless systems and their security and some more stuff with regards to radios and SDR and things. But what I suggest is that we guys start a separate application/discussion area for these kinds of things (because I persona

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Robert Heerekop
To my humble opinion, this is simply not allowed and must therefore from a moral point-a-view not be promoted. Op zo 17 jan. 2021 16:29 schreef Aditya Arun Kumar <>: > On a serious note, I know that all of us know how to build a jammer, in > case of questions like thi

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Derek Kozel
Hi Aditya, This is a good question and one where in the end the person operating the transmitter is responsible for ensuring that they operate legally. Many questions to the mailing list are either explicitly or possibly related to wireless communications systems and GNU Radio gets used frequently

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Martin Spears
Building a jammer is one thing. For the sake of just academics building a jammer against a specific mac address on a specific channel. This would help in demodulation techniques, device identification, and tx out controls. I am not saying this is even ethical, but in the case of purely academic

Re: Jamming the WiFi channel

2021-01-17 Thread Aditya Arun Kumar
On a serious note, I know that all of us know how to build a jammer, in case of questions like this how do we deal with it? I mean I can do both sides, in the spirit of sharing the knowledge I think that someone should tell the person who is doing it on how to build a jammer (in this case) or shoul