Re: Resetting Head block via callback

2020-12-13 Thread Jeff Long
No, the Head block tells the framework that it is 'Done' after the specified number of items have been processed. The 'Done' state propagates through the flowgraph, block threads exit, etc. The only way to get things restarted is to rerun the flowgraph. On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 7:21 AM Marcin Wacho

Resetting Head block via callback

2020-12-13 Thread Marcin Wachowiak
Hello, I would like to ask if there is any possibility to reset Head block after it has signaled Done - after collecting a number of samples. A simple callback would be most preferred but only: set_length is defined: make: blocks.head(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${num_items}) callbacks: - set_length(${

Re: Problem with my USrp

2020-12-13 Thread Fabian Schwartau
Hi Bass(e), can you tell a bit more about what you are doing? Just starting the USRP, setting it up and stream? I once had a (at least) similar problem. I can't remember right now exactly what it was, I can just remember that I did something a bit ususual. If I remember correctly I was initializing