I'm hoping the lack of response so far means that perhaps you've taken an
interest in my reported difficulties and might also be encountering some of
In the meantime, would some knowledgeable person be able to i
Hi Karl,
There are a lot of resources for learning about GNU Radio. I suggest
that you start with the Beginner level
There are lots of places where the documentation can be clarified and
expanded. We welcome your comments and participation!
GNU Radio Amateur Radio video meeting
* Saturday 17 October 2020, 20:00 UTC
* BigBlueButton -
* you can test your browser access at
* the updated agenda can be seen at
Hi list, I just subscribed,
I'm very interested in SDR but don't have very much relevant academic
training. I was wondering if anybody knew of a place for people to
exchange their learning on things like this, similar to wikipedia or
wikiversity, but with an eye towards sdr: or any major
You seem to have *two or three* different versions of GNU Radio
conflicting here.
Uninstall all (really make sure there's nothing left) and then install
only the one you want to work with.
Best regards,
On 15/10/2020 11.48, Songyi Cao wrote:
When I used cmake install a block i
Hi Anish,
On 16/10/2020 06.45, Anish Mangal wrote:
I ran volk_profile, and maybe saw some improvement or could be imagining
things. Am I supposed to re-compile anything (gnuradio?) after I run
volk_profile or it is some kind of runtime optimization? Will this also
run on a mac osx?
You don't
Best regards,
On 16/10/2020 09.40, 20190115--- via GNU Radio, the Free &
Open-Source Toolkit for Software Radio wrote:
Dear community,I want achieve rounding in gnu radio,does there has some
best wish.