Hello, I am trying to design a flow which implements a transmitter with two
sources (a signal generator or an audio source), two modulator flows (nbfm
and am) and a single sink (my hackrf device via osmosdr block).
The idea would be to make the sources and modulators switchable via a GUI
drop down
"Hey y'all" (I'm from the South ;),
As a result off the discussion in this thread, I have started working on
GR docs. In the past few days I have learned Mediawiki, made minor
revisions to
completed the doc for
Thank you for that. It works file type by file type. I had already tried
setting an environment variable (EDITOR=), and doing the
update-alternatives, but neither seemed to work.
For the record, the procedure (for Debian) is:
to change default editor:
* open File Manager
* single right c