Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr_zeromq on MS-Windows ?

2019-04-21 Thread Geof Nieboer
I'm not at the machine at the moment, but as I recall pyzmq ends up looking for one version and gnuradio the other, so maybe I have the name error backwards. Either way, I will fix it in the next release, as worst case I just downgrade to the version of ZMQ that was bundled with 3.7.12. Geof On

[Discuss-gnuradio] [announcement] GNU Radio pre-3.8: dependency version bump for Python3 >= 3.6.5

2019-04-21 Thread Marcus Müller
Dear GNU Radio community, part of the process of keeping GNU Radio future-proof is deciding minimum versions for dependencies. One of these dependencies is Python. As you might have noticed, GNU Radio 3.8 will support both Python2 (2.7) and Python3. As we want to be able to use newer Python featur