Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Need help with CtrlPort Performance Monitor

2018-07-15 Thread Jim Larsen
Hi Marcus, Thank you for your patience with my CtrlPort Performance Monitor problems. I have been distracted by other projects and finally had time to try your suggestion. > On Jul 4, 2018, at 1:47 AM, Müller, Marcus (CEL) wrote: > > hm... > no, but if `gr-ctrlport-monitor` works, does runni

[Discuss-gnuradio] Help on event triggered OOT Block

2018-07-15 Thread Luis Felipe Albarracin Sanchez
Hello All, I am trying to develop an OOT block that will trigger a function when there is a change on any of the input of the block, i have been reading about input buffers and output buffers, and i tried something like, comparing the third position of the input buffer with the second one, and o

[Discuss-gnuradio] [announcement] [release]

2018-07-15 Thread Marcus Müller
Dear Community, we've released a new version of our 3.7 maintenance line – Whilst this maintains binary compatibility with its predecessor, it fixes build breakage on systems with boost 1.67, it fixes a bunch of out-of-bound vector accesses (which on some systems triggered bug safeguards