Hey Jared,
nice you want to add another package manager to PyBOMBS. I recently
added portage package manager to PyBOMBS.
Based on your output these lines [0] give a clue what's happening.
I'd guess your functions do not properly report the installation status
back to PyBOMBS.Therefore PyBOMBS ke
I found a bug in the GR runtime. Here's a simple script to demonstrate it.
from gnuradio import gr, blocks
import pmt
import time
class child(gr.hier_block2):
def __init__(self):
super(child, self).__init__('child',
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
On 09/19/2016 05:46 AM, pen tester wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> Thank you for that tx grc graph, it is super helpful!
>I am just trying to get a receive work now. I am using the 6_psk.grc
> from the tutorial folder in the github repo you were using [1].
> I have modified mine for using a hackr
On 09/21/2016 09:40 AM, Paul Zander wrote:
> Cinaed,
> Your suggestion about testing the audio suggested an new experiment that
> may be a work-around.
> With Settings >> Sound >> Input >> Internal Microphone, my GRC with (QT
> GUI Time Sink) shows a signal that responds to the internal micr
Thanks for those tips. A few follow-up points below.
Are you saying that on the same file, it gives non-deterministic
results? If so, that might be a bug in the file, but could also be in
GNU Radio. There are rumours that there's a randomness bug in the
scheduler, but it's hard to reprod
How does it compare with the Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) Zigbee receiver in
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Matt Knight wrote:
> All,
> I am pleased to present gr-lora, an open source OOT transceiver that
> is compatible with th
On 09/20/2016 11:23 PM, Paul Zander wrote:
> First, I want to thank the group for the wonderful tutorials on GNU
> Radio Companion.
> My problem needs to use an external signal as the Audio Source. GNURadio
> defaults to using the microphone in the laptop. I added an external
> USB/audio device