I'm writing a block in Python that doing signal recognition from input fft
vector and output a vector contains the spectrum information, now I want to
parse the vector from gnuradio to an external python script doing further
decisions, is there any method to access the vector? I tried
I'm writing a block doing signal processing and then append the current time
and output to a file sink, however, I found the output really strange because
all time values are the same. Then I tried to write another block to test with
my time value. Here is the block and qa file
On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 9:55 PM Jason McHuff wrote:
> > I would definitely suggest using pybombs, and in order to do that you
> probably need to abandon (and clean up) any of your other installation
> attempts. Alternative versions of packages lingering in your
> I would definitely suggest using pybombs, and in order to do that you
probably need to abandon (and clean up) any of your other installation
attempts. Alternative versions of packages lingering in your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PKG_CONFIG_PATH will cause bad things to happen, even
with pybombs.