Casey - Those errors in 'gr_goertzel' are "normal" for running "make
check" on Mac OS X 10.5. I have no idea why the difference is between
10.4 (where "make check" passes) and 10.5, except some small tweak in
a library and / or the compiler. IME, you can safely ignore that
error, install
Hello again,
I've almost successfully compiled gnuradio on leopard
on my new Intel MacBook, with the exception of make check fails both
before and after running make install. I've used the MacPorts versions
of just about every dependency except SDCC which I installed per the
instructions of mdicke
I am writing a code that will scan and stop if it finds an FM station. For this
i need to calculate the standard deviation of the fft result. is there a
function built to do this? how can i perform mathametical operations on fft
resultant data ?
Message: 6
The OFDM system uses fft_length number of subcarriers and
number of used subcarriers. The used subcarriers are mapped to the
middle of the fft_length subcarriers leaving the same number of
guardband subcarriers on either side. The middle two subc