Quoting "Whitaker, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Humph...
> I think maybe the answer to this is that 100kHz is outside of the loop BW of
> both of these applications; this means the the phase noise is really just a
> function of the VCO itself. I would have expected that the inherent phase
> no
< http://radiochallenge.org/ >
The new IP policy:
"The SDR Forum intends to seek permission to publish proposals, design
documents, engineering drawings, source code, analyses, and supporting
material developed under the challenge entires. No materials shall be
marked `proprietary'."
If coprocessing's not your thing, another Virtex-4 module worth looking at is the Avnet Mini-Module:
The number of available I/O might cramp your style some, and I'm not sure about the signal integrity of the layout/connectors, but heck...the price can't be beat.