There is a review of the SDR-1000 from the April 2005 QST
available on
It's bottom line is: "The SDR-1000 may mark the beginning of
a new generation of Amateur Radio equipment, but the pioneers
who take it up may need a bit of frontier spirit!"
Everett Palmer
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 01:39:21PM -0800, Eric Blossom wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 12:26:52AM -0500, Rahul Dhar wrote:
> > Is "bytes_to_syms" a symbol exported by gr_bytes_to_syms? I'm trying to
> > understand the framing mechanism.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Rahul
> gr.bytes_to_syms is the SWI
I recently wrote a GNU Radio signal processing block which implements
GMSK modulation and demodulation. It turned out to be extremely easy
and only required gluing already existing GNU Radio primitives together.
I've placed my code and a brief explanation of it at
Hi, Eric
Thank you very much, I have received the FM signal and run many other examples
successfully. It's really good, thanks to your excellent work on GNURadio.
I have something that needs your help and suggestion urgently. Now our group
wants to use the GNU Radio to do some more sophisticate
Kimsey Pollard
Microelectronic Research Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
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