When the rule associated with rule_execute is an exact match rule, and
the flow is the exact match flow associated with that rule, it pulls
the actions directly from the rule. I don't really want to dig into
this because
1) The code is really old, this is done differently now.
2) It's not clear t
Hi Ethan,
Thank you for your reply. I actually sent second email regarding the
comments before this function. If I am reading the logic correctly
(please correct me if I am wrong):
rule_execute() will construct odp actions for two cases, not only
exact-match case:
1) wildcards
2) exact-match with
> /* Grab or compose the ODP actions.
> *
> * The special case for an exact-match 'rule' where 'flow' is not the
> * rule's flow is important to avoid, e.g., sending a packet out its input
> * port simply because the ODP actions were composed for the wrong
> * scenario. */
To add to my previous email, I did see the following comment for rule_execute():
* If 'rule' is an exact-match rule and 'flow' actually equals the rule's flow,
* the caller must already have accurately composed ODP actions for it given
* 'packet' using rule_make_actions(). If 'rule' is a
Sorry to bother you again!
I am working on openvswitch 1.1.0pre2 package, and trying to
understand the logic in handle_odp_miss_msg() in ofproto.c. I would
really appreciate anyone familiar with this code giving me some
feedback. I have copied the code snip below.
My question is:
1) What is