I am using OVS usermode 2.3 and trying to pop MPLS and change IP packet headers:
1) Macth incoming MPLS packet in table 0:
match = self.ofp_parser.OFPMatch(eth_type = 0x8847, mpls_label = 102)
actions = [ofp_parser.OFPActionPopMpls(0x0800), ]
instructions = [ofp_parser.OFPInstr
I am using OVS usermode and trying to pop MPLS and change IP packet headers:
Match incomimg MPLS packet in tabel 0:
match = self.ofp_parser.OFPMatch(eth_type = 0x8847,
mpls_label = 102)
actions = [ofp_parser.OFPActionPopMpls(0x0800), ]
Not sure if I can help, but anyways:
I tried the Simon Horman's development version 2.50 and I got different error:
root@debian:~# ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow ovsbr0
ovs-ofctl: actions are invalid with specified
I am using: Ryu 3.5, Open vSwitch 2.52 (Simon's development version), OF1.3
I am trying to strip VLAN tag from the packet. It is written in the
specification 1.3.3. that:
If an action in a flow mod message performs an operation which is inconsistent
with the match, for example, a pop V
:39, Nataliia Trifonova
> wrote:
>> ...
>> should push MPLS label and then VLAN tag. Results are: when I just PushMpls,
>> SetField(mpls_label) and PushVlan, then VLAN tag 0 is added, but when I want
>> to add SetField(vlan_vid), VLAN tag is not added at all. B
OXM,OpenFlow11) is among the
allowed flow formats (OpenFlow10,NXM)
On Dec 3, 2013, at 9:49 PM, Joe Stringer wrote:
> On 3 December 2013 10:16, Nataliia Trifonova
> wrote:
>> When I push first VLAN tag and then MPLS label, tcpdump shows corrupted
>> packets sent out
SW: Open vSwitch v2.51 delivered by Simon Horman, OF version is 1.3, Ryu
I am trying to push both VLAN tag and MPLS label onto the same packet. It works
fine with tag and label separately, but not both.
When I push first VLAN tag and then MPLS label, tcpdump shows corrupted pac