On 12/29/2012 07:43 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 06:38:17PM -0600, Anand Krishnamurthy wrote:
>> 2012-12-30T00:22:49Z|49582|dpif|WARN|system@ovs-system: failed to flow_del
>> (No such file or directory)
>> ipv4_tunnel(tun_id=0x0,src=,dst=,tos=0x0,ttl=64,fla
Hello all,
waht is the process when packets are matched against multiple tables in the
pipeline [in the latest version of OpenFlow Switch Specification]?
Is it match against the flow tables one by one simply or depends on the
instrcutions associated with the flow entry, that means it will goto o
Everybody, i am a freshman in openvswitch, i am focus on the openflow protocal
recently, but i can't fetch lots of details from the OpenFlow Switch
Specification(Version 1.3.1), so i have to read the source code of
openvswitch(openvswitch-1.7.0.tar.gz). but there are lots of directories
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 06:38:17PM -0600, Anand Krishnamurthy wrote:
> 2012-12-30T00:22:49Z|49582|dpif|WARN|system@ovs-system: failed to flow_del
> (No such file or directory)
> ipv4_tunnel(tun_id=0x0,src=,dst=,tos=0x0,ttl=64,flags()),in_port(5),eth(src=76:e8:f3:9f:95:a6,dst
I have a topology like this;-
There are 3 Xen machines hosta, hostb, hostc with openvswitch installed in them.
Each of the machines has 3 VMs running in them.
In each Xen machine,
VMs are connected to bridge br0.
And there is a separate bridge br1 with a port em2.
In hosta's br0: There is a
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:40:14AM +, Jing Ai wrote:
> According to OF spec, goto_table instruction should be the
> last. However, why write_metadata has to be after resubmit action, can
> anyone explain it?
resubmit is an action, so it is part of the Apply-Actions instruction.