> LetterSketch is a document authoring tool with which authors can
> create documents and extend it with conditions, loops, variables, sub
> documents and other ornaments.
Sounds like *the* use case where LyX/LaTeX is beyond competition.
Because it has all this already built-in.
> Finally t
> While working on my wiki page about a new Writer toolbar, I realized
> that independently of my proposal, I believe it makes sense for
> LibreOffice to prefer Python. I see how LO is heading in this
> direction, but you could be explicit about it, create more workitems,
> perhaps track it like yo
> I'm working on a proposal for building an experimental new LibreOffice
> toolbar / UI in Python:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:KeithCu
Err, I would like to point out the fact that trying to emulate MS in any
way is always a B-A-D idea.
Especially, but not limited to GUI ergonomics,
> > Your idea of a "ribbon" turned into a "sidebar" by 90° rotation
> > imho is nothing else than the revival of the old (pre-Windows)
> > Lotus 1-2-3 menu system. Pulldown-menus (and dialog boxes) are a
> > far more advanced concept. Besides the issues with screenspace.
> >
> > A concept that coul
> Advice: Listen to Wolfgang (earlier posts), whoever he is.
Thanks for the flowers. I'm just a "screenworker" who has been
producing documents with computers since ~25 years now, on various
operating systems (Atari ST, DOS since 3.3, Windows since 2.11, MacOS
since 6.0.7, various Unixes etc.) wit
> I can´tjudge whether your idea is good or not. But I know that there
> are around the worldonly two or three developers for base.
Pity because Base is (could be?) imho actually *the* "killer" component
of LO. For everything else there are other free solutions.
In fact I see the rest of LO (Cal