How does one jump from one label to the next in Writer (I'm using 3.6, but I
don't think I figured out how to do this in 3.5 either)?
I've tried all the usual suspects, such as various combinations of
Ctrl/Alt/Whatever plus Enter, Tab, arrows, etc. but nothing seems to work,
and the cursor re
Is there any way to modify the attributes of the watermark that Writer puts
into a pdf that it generates? For instance, can the font/typeface, color,
orientation, page-placement, etc. be specified somewhere?
I've looked through the documentation and help files and such, but found
nothing rele
I just did a complete cleaning and re-installation of LibreOffice on my 64
bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I now have LibreOffice Version (Build ID:
0eaa50a932c8f2199a615e1eb30f7ac74279539) installed.
I was attempting to explore the grammar checking feature - using either F7
or "Tools | Spelling and
My two cents.
Advice: Listen to Wolfgang (earlier posts), whoever he is. I vote with him.
To elaborate: One of the reasons I dumped the DOS version of Microsoft Word
and switched to WordPerfect back when personal computers first started
becoming prevalent was that only HALF the screen was devoted
I'm currently running version (Build ID:
0eaa50a932c8f2199a615e1eb30f7ac74279539) on the 64bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and
for the past several days I've been getting the notification that version
4.0.4 of LibreOffice is available for download.
In the "Check for Updates" dialog box, I get the me